Anyway, it is fun to get out and let loose and just have an incredible time. It is hard not to start moving and dancing when that music is thumping and the lights are flashing. I felt sorry for the people around me having to pound the beer in order to have fun. "Please don't puke on me!" "Sit down you get up to pee too much." "Maybe if you didn't drink like a horse...." Here are a couple of pictures of me embracing my alternate persona. You'll have to check out an old post if you want to see the boots...(My kids are grateful I only wear the hat a couple of times a year. I'm such an embarrassment to them!)
I am seriously considering hoping a plane to somewhere like Denver to catch their show this weekend. I wish I had taken my kids. The boys despise my country music, but I really think they would have loved the show.
I am so bummed that I didn't get very good pictures of the concert. I really wanted to bring my camera, but the tickets said "No camera's", and because we follow the rules and I didn't want it confiscated, I left the camera at home. Besides, we have camera cell phones. Needless to say, most everyone had camera's. They announced "No flash photography" while we were there. Hello? I could have brought my camera and just turned off the flash. The pictures would have turned out a whole lot better than the cell phone ones. At least I have the memories and the ringing in my ears...
Here is a little cell phone clip...The sound is totally distorted, but it will give you an idea of how huge the stage was and what a large scale production they put on... (You'll have to pause the music player)