Friday, November 7, 2008

An Eagle Scout in our Midst

Okay, let me preface this by saying "I HATE SCOUTING". My mom taught me never to use the word hate. It is too strong a word, so I "Strongly Dislike Scouting" I'm tired! While it is a worthwhile experience, learning to serve others, being self reliant, learning core is so much work for the mom's! And, it never fails, when you strongly dislike scouting they put you in a church calling with scouting. Ugh! I do appreciate everything it has taught my boys, and all the leaders who have helped along the way.
Look at my cute Miguel in his younger days. I think he was a twelve year old Scout here. Thanks brother Rock for helping to push him so hard. Okay, so now I'm going to have a little brag moment. Miguel, my handsome 15 year old, has earned his Eagle Scout Award. This thing was a LONG time and I truly mean LONG TIME in the making. The write up makes the project itself look easy. How many times did we have to go back to the drawing board to make everything perfect for the board? Too many to count!
As we receive letters and certificates in the mail from congressmen and senators, we realize just how big of a deal it really is. Miguel will have this the rest of his life. He will be able to boast about it on College Applications, job applications and resumes.
He doesn't have the actual award to show yet, we are in the process of putting together his Court of Honor. I am excited to be able to put together a slide show spotlighting our Eagle Scout. I've picked David Cook's "The Time of My Life" I am grateful that Miguel's award will be signed by President Bush. I lament the fact that TJ's will be signed by President Obama. But, I'll tell ya, after this child, I just don't have it in me to push TJ to get his. I think the ball is in KT's court for that one. I am hereby relinquishing my scouting mom days and passing the torch to my dear husband, KT.


  1. Eagle Scouts are awesome! I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :) ♥ Hugs!

  2. That is great news! We don't do scouts at our house! eeekkk!


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