I'm going to start something new. I am calling it
"Flashback Friday" and I am going to be recalling little events in the kids lives. I'm worried that if I don't get these little things written down, they'll be lost forever! My memory isn't what it used to be, I'm almost 40! I remember when...
Miguel was in 2nd grade and finally losing his first tooth.
(He always has done things in his own time). Anyway, back to my memory...I was listening in to a conversation between Miguel and TJ. I had my big "mommy ears" tuned into them. TJ was telling Miguel that when he loses his tooth the tooth fairy will come and he'll get money. Miguell replied,
"Yeah, but I sure hope I don't lose my sweet tooth." That struck a funny bone with me, and
Miguell did not lose his sweet tooth. In fact, I do believe he
gained a few extra sweet teeth! Here is the toothiest picture I could find...
(if you look real close, you can see one of his front teeth missing)
Miguel - June 30, 2001
I started doing flashback Fridays and they were my fav until my computer went capute and I can't scan old photos in! I'll be back on it when big daddy decides to re-hook me up!