Do you ever feel like God is calling you? Whispering to you from, well, everywhere? I am hearing and seeing His call everywhere I turn and in everything I read. I tell you, He is not happy with me. I almost feel like a chastised child. My Father is shaking his finger and me, and saying 'NO'. You see, he heard I wanted to quit blogging, but His message is 'NO'.
I read a couple of things on the internet lately that had me wanting to yell at Him. "I hear You!!", "I got the message!".
I read an article by Hannah Boning on (in)courage called "When I Sit On the Couch And Am Silent". She said, "Your words matter. Your experience matters. Your story matters. Your thoughts matter. You matter." She said this and I heard Him.
Another time, well the same day actually, I was reading from Chad R. Allen's blog, "The Best Way to Find Time for Your Art." In truth, I had never thought about blogging as my "art", but I am creating and writing so I guess it is art. He basically says, that if you don't do your art, no one will know but you, but in the end you'll be unfulfilled. Pretty smart words, and when he said this, I felt like He was whispering yet again.
While reading Nienie, she impressed the importance of preserving our stories at the RootsTech 2014 conference. She said on her blog, "I think it is important to keep an account of your family whether you blog, scrapbook, take photos or videos -whatever you do tell your story and don't stop."
Sometimes these witnesses come in twos, sometimes in threes and sometimes as many times as it takes to get it through our thick brains. "I got the message!" "I hear You!" I hang my head in resignation and return to blogging with joy, love and acceptance of His desire for me.
Well, I am glad you are going to keep blogging. You have something to say. I have your blog added to my Bloglovin' list. In it, I have divided blogs into "favorites" "layer one" (my next favorites) and just "blogs". I, by far, have the most blogs listed in the generic "blog" column. But not yours. It's in my "favorite" list. That way, if I only have a little time during the day to visit blogs, I go to this category first. Keep writing, my friend.