Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cheeseburgers, Shopping & Giant Cowboys

Once upon a time I very proudly announced that I was emotionally constipated.  In recent months as the reality of life has settled upon me, I have become less and less emotionally constipated.  Saturday night, I was feeling pretty weepy...I miss my boys.  TJ is in the military in New Mexico and Miguel is serving a full time mission living in Georgia.  If it weren't for my sweet Ladybug, I'd be an empty nester.  I've decided that I'm not going to be very fond of that life stage...But back to Saturday...No amount of window shopping and family time could quell my melancholy.  The lump in my throat could not be swallowed down and tears would just run out of my eyes.  There had to be some kind of cure for this sickness.

Dr. KT had the perfect prescription...Hop in the Bug for a quick one day trip out of town for some good shopping and good food.  And when I say good food, I mean In N Out burger, baby.  Considering I have done absolutely NOTHING this summer, I found this quick trip a fitting end to my nothingness; a welcoing distraction to my emptying home.  Twenty four hours later, I was back in my own home with a major mood enhancement.  My husband sure knows me...Cheeseburgers, shopping and giant cowboys make me happy.


  1. Wise man you married. I'm glad that did the trick!

  2. A change of scenery usually works wonders!! So glad he made you get out of the house! FEEL BETTER, and BE HAPPY!!!!!

  3. Day trips are the best. As a person that is far from being an empty-nester, I can't necessarily relate, but I definitely can imagine how different things will be once my kids are out on their own. Hope you continue to feel better!

  4. A cheese burger would definitely make my day! Funny, how such a little thing can make us feel better, but we have to have someone push us to do it. At the end of a hard week once, I had to pick something up at the grocery store, bought myself a little treat, and came home feeling so much better.

    Good luck with the empty-nester syndrome :(.


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