Monday, May 7, 2012

Over Burdened

I have been feeling overwhelmed and weighed down by my burdens lately.  They are literally burdens, stuff, things.  I've felt the need to Simplify.  Remember that word of the year?  Since my recovery, I've been like a mad woman, a crazy lady.  Nothing is immune to my touch.  Everything is weighed and considered and either kept, tossed, donated or sold.  Craigslist, Ebay and I have become close friends.

When I am weighed down by these things, I find it hard to relax and feel God's love in my life.  Not that he doesn't love me, but all this stuff just creates distraction and noise.  I can feel God in a home of less clutter and fluff.   Does this make sense?  I can appreciate and value what I have if there is less of it.  As I create a home of simplicity, I am also creating a more Christ filled home.

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, 
even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, 
a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;" 

Call it Spring Cleaning or a manic psychosis...
Less really is more... 


  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I feel like ever since March I've been spring cleaning. Numerous trips to Goodwill have been undertaken. I feel this overwhelming need de-junk my life. So glad you're with me. =)

  2. Getting rid of clutter is such a huge pick me up! Good for you!

  3. I started the ONGOING process of simplification about 3 years ago. It's very liberating. Materialism is a huge lure and can easily distract us from God, unfortunately.

  4. I am also in a place in life where I am trying to declutter! I too feel weighed down when my house is not in order. I am glad to hear I am not alone!

  5. visiting your from sits girls spring fling

  6. I am full steam on the order train.
    I hope it gives you peace. :)

  7. I think cleaning, clearing out, simplifying, really does bring a lot of happiness and peace.


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