Lately, my afternoons have been consumed with either Middle School basketball practice or Middle school basketball games. Ladybug (#24) plays even though she is a shortie, shortie short stuff. We get to travel to exotic sounding towns like Adrian, Oregon, Idaho City, Horseshoe Bend and Notus. I never got into playing sports. I tried a little softball and volleyball with church, but I just sucked! I think that is why I love running so much. I'm doing something athletic, but at the same time, I don't have to feel like I suck compared to other people (unless I run a race, which I did, and it didn't even turn out badly.)
My evenings have been filled with football. I was never a HUGE football fan unless it is a team I truly care about the teams. KT is one to turn on whatever game because he LOVES it. I think he just likes the noise. Give me some Boise State Broncos or Denver any day, and I'll watch. Thanks KT for teaching me the love of the game.
What have your fall days been filled with?