Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Light bulb Moments

Amidst a brain fog of literary blocks, I make my way to the gym. Something happens while I am on the treadmill. All the oxygen and blood flowing through my brain seems to sweep out the cobwebs to make room for an influx of ideas. It is then that I get in my best thinking. A continuous flow of ideas leaves me overwhelmed and perplexed with what to do with them. It's not like I can whip out my handy dandy notebook and take notes and jot ideas...Not while running, I can't even sip water and run, I don't want to get thrown off of that machine. (I've seen that happen to someone once, it wasn't pretty.) My quandary is then trying to make a mental note of said ideas so that I won't forget later.

When you're 41, it's easy to forget...But at least I'm running again.... 


  1. At least you are getting them! And running, too. Maybe if you just remember ONE idea each time that would be a good start. :)

  2. My good ideas always happen in the middle of the night when I'm too tired/lazy to write them down. Then the next day I can't remember my fantastic idea. *Sigh*

  3. Good for you! I can't even remember my ideas long enough to pick up a pen so you are still doing better than me!


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