Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Blog

Happy Birthday to my Blog!

Today my blog is turning one year old. Just like any one year old. I have had to bottle and spoon feed it to keep it going. I've changed things a few times to keep it fresh.  We've even had a few tantrums together. What started out as a place to keep family up to date, has turned into my virtual diary; A place to express my crazy thoughts and ideas without worry about back talk from my equally crazy followers. No offense. I'm just kidding really. I love every single one of you...In fact all 19 of you!

For my blog birthday I am giving away a fabulous prize on Monday. You have only two days left to get in on this great giveaway. You know you want it. All you have to do is go to the original post and follow my instructions. I'll post the winner on Monday.


  1. Happy Blog-Birth Day!!! Mine is almost here. I have to go back and check, but i know it is soon!

  2. Happy Birthday! I can't tell you the number of times my little blog has been revised and had growing pains. Well worth the effort though! Congratulations! Not everyone makes it this SIL only made it to two posts before she gave up!

  3. Happy Birthday blogger! I love your blog and I'm so glad your started one.

  4. Happy Blog Birthday! Changing up a blog is one of the creative fun great things about a blog. I started my blog for family too. I still have family that follow it and if I wrote what I actually thought about some things I think my blog would be a little bit too interesting so I started a personal private blog for that! I've enjoyed your posts!

  5. Happy belated blog birthday!! Here's to another year of quirky, charming posts :D


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