Dear Bloggers Anonymous,
I have this uncontrollable urge to share my personal thoughts with strangers. You've heard of diarrhea of the mouth? Well, I have diarrhea of the keyboard. I am excessively typing out posts about anything and everything, and sometimes nothing, in a very Seindfeldesque way. My private thoughts, musings and dirty laundry are all out there and "I'm loving every minute of it!" (That's a Seinfeld quote).
I check several times a day to see if my fellow bloggers have updated their sites. I lose myself in their lives, feeling more normal by the second. I smile, laugh and cry with them. Don't get me started on moderating comments. Comments make my day. It means someone has taken the time to read my post, and spend a few moments reflecting on some kind of message to leave for me. I am salivating just thinking of it.
I am seriously in need of some sort of 12 step program. How about you?
2busy (and if I must add, if I'm 2busy, shouldn't I just cut out blogging?)