Friday, November 20, 2009

I love running, but?

I love running, but not this much! This is so dang gross, screw the win, go use the bathroom not your shorts! This is why I don't run marathons; First of all, I know my limitations, second, this picture.

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  1. I've heard about that! Yuck. No win would be worth that to me. Yuck!!!!!!!

  2. SICK!! GAG! I never run but this has convinced I don't ever want to.

  3. Ewwwww! I just can't even imagine that someone would think this is okay!!!!

  4. This image will be seared into my brain forever.

  5. again, reason #17 why I SHOULDNT exercise. :) thanks for the reminder.

  6. That is soooo gross!! And how embarrassing. Poor guy..LOL

  7. ewww that's sick! I can happily say I fun a lot but I have NEVER done that!

  8. I have run one marathon, and training for my second (post baby), and let me just tell you, it takes a toll on your entire body. There were training days when I thoughts this would happen to me and i have to very quickly stop!! I know, its terrible and I don't know why we do it to ourselves!


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