I had a very kind blog reader suggest to me recently that I get rid of my music. She says that auto start music players drive her crazy. I can understand that, not all music appeals to the same people. I used to play country music, but opted for something a little more soothing in recent months. So, here is my question for you...
Get rid of the music or keep the music? Does it drive you crazy and disparage you from reading on? Or do you find it soothing and helps you to want to stay and read a while. Let me know. I do value my reader's opinion. Thanks for your help in this decision making process.
Should I delete the Music Player?
***Post Publication Update: Apparently my music player on my blog has been suspended. Some kind of change in laws and usage at playlist.com. So for those of you that didn't like music, the decision has been made for me***
Hi, so I stopped by :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of music players, but that is my opinion.
I love music but music and reading for me is a different thing. Can't do them both at the same time.
ReplyDeleteIt is my first time visiting here I think : ) I would say that music is usually a deterrent to me when I am visiting blogs. Often I have my own music playing and then the tunes have to compete. Music on a blog usually means I click away quicker! Good luck to you.
ReplyDeleteI say no and yes. I am of no help. I would delete it if you are trying to get more readers and gain an audience. I would keep it if you like music. Personally, since I have been reading your blog for a while now, I look forward to your musical stylings and don't have any problem reading while hearing the music. sooooo - that being said.... go with the popular majority. :)
ReplyDeleteMusic that start automatically when I get to a blog makes me crazy. Having a music player loaded with your stuff that people can click on if they want is fine. I don't want anything with sound or video to start when I get to a site.
ReplyDeleteHope that helps. Stopping by from SITS.