Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks." ~St. Ambrose~


  1. I think this is very true.

    I read a biography on Princess Di and one of the things I remember is that she always wrote thank you notes. Her mother wouldn't let her children go to bed after an activity until they wrote their thank you notes. As an adult, Diana continued the practice. Many people received her thank you notes and were impressed that someone so prominent and busy would remember them.

    I have received thank you notes over the years, and it always makes me feel good. I don't think you can say thank you enough.

  2. By the way....thank you for your blog! :D

  3. so true! Being grateful and showing thanks is where it's at.

  4. I used to be really good at my thank-yous. It's something I really need to improve on at this point and I do think it is very important!


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