Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Journals, Oh My!

Remember when I recently blogged on the topic of journals?  I felt, I needed to go there again.  I'm kind of obsessive that way.   You see I am a lover of books, and journals aren't any different.  I love to caress their cover and smell their pages and wonder of the stories that CAN be written within.  I have a fascination with journaling, though I haven't done much of it in the least consistently anyway.  I have many journals for different reasons.

  • I have journals containing bits of my own poetry
  • Other journals contain others' poetry
  • Another is for taking notes and thoughts during church meetings or conferences
  • Another journal is for reflection on my scriptures study
  • A journal for the funny things my children said and did when they were younger
  • I have another journal where I write things I love about my husband or things I have appreciated he has done.  I saw a lovely journal on Dayspring, but came up with my own.  I wish I were more consistent  but when it gets tucked in a drawer I forget.
  • I have a journal for regular thoughts and experiences.
  • I have my own "Smashbook" creation.
  • And, I now have started a Mother/Daughter journal for writing back and forth with Ladybug.  I saw it on Gadanke and could not resist.

It would be lovely if all these thoughts were written in one place instead of scattered amongst a variety of journals, but each has it's own purpose.  Not to mention the fact that I blog, which has become a journal of writing, of sorts, as well.  I guess you could say this is most definitely not an area I have simplified in.  I really love the quote on the top journal, "Happiness is found along the way of this journey."  ~Howard W. Hunter~

These are my favorite pens for journaling and writing.  
They have a nice weight and feel to them.

What are your favorite things about journaling?  
Any creative journal ideas?

**This is not a sponsored post.  I'm just sharing information about a topic I am excited about**

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  1. The mother/daughter journal is a great idea.

  2. I think journals saved me in high school. There are just so many things and thoughts as a teenager that you feel you can't talk to other about, maybe because your to embarrassed or its too personal. My journal helped me get it all out and was a source of reflections and release to my stresses. Now that I have married my best friend that need to write in my journal has greatly depreciated because I tell my husband everything. I still keep a journal I just wish I wrote in it more. Scrapbooking helps with journaling though to, thank goodness so at least Im doing something, Lol

  3. I think your blog counts as journaling, too!

    I used to write in journals. Then my husband read all of them. He thought they were interesting. But I have realized (to my great horror and embarrassment) that the bulk of my journal entries have been more like therapy. :P I've been learning the past few years to write not so much as therapy but try to capture a more accurate reflection of what is going on (my husband does an excellent job of this in his personal journaling). I now do most all of my journaling in OneNote, which I have an app for on my phone. I like it because I can add pictures I've taken on my phone to the journal entries each day.

    I also have published a few family books by year and still work on the years I have not yet completed. They have been a great way to capture general family history.

    I have my blog, which also captures general family history and sometimes my personal opinions.

    But my favorite type of journaling will always be written by hand. I love the feel of writing on paper.

  4. I have a couple journals sitting around too. I'm cheap and use various composition books for my journals. Some are for writing thoughts, others are personal journals and one is a ten year journal (love) I found on amazon.

  5. I looove journals, they are so pretty, so many colors and types!!! I will be honest though, I haven't actually journaled in a loong time. When I was pregnant I would journal updates every Sunday and then when I m/c I have had a hard time going back to it. But I highly recommend journaling during church, great place for personal revelation!

  6. every spiritual director I have ever met has recommend journaling...especially during times of stress and despair. Then, later we can look back at those times and more clearly see Gods plan in our life.

  7. I love that you have so many kinds of journals. I love to journal too, but I've become really sporadic about it. Thanks for re-inspiring me!


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