Friday, May 31, 2013

My Pen

The pen, used like a sword, to thrash demean and conquer. It is a weapon, but it, too, can sign treaties and create peace. It can be used for great good. It is an instrument of God. It creates, draws and writes all things of beauty. The conduit for a deluge of thoughts and dreams. What will I use my pen for? Will I pen things of worth, things of uplift or will my pen be used as a weapon of war?

For your weekend, may you find time to journal, 
write and create something uplifting and inspiring.

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  1. Barbara Kingsolver has said similar things about the pen-- a lot of responsibility comes with it!

  2. So true. Words can be weapons or blessings.

  3. sometimes...the pen is mightier than the sword!

  4. :) I started journaling daily today once again... I had gotten out of this incredibly important habit. Great post!

  5. I'm creating my own journal! It's going to be my "happy book", filled with happy memories, travel photos, etc. Since computers, I really haven't written in a long, long time!


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