Here is the mommy blog portion of my blog, where I brag about my children and spotlight them. If you tuned in yesterday, you saw that my oldest baby turned 20. Well, today my youngest baby, Ladybug, turns 14. Yeah that wasn't very good planning on our part, but she WAS two weeks early. She was breech just like her older brother and after an attempt at turning her with no success, the doctor decided it would be best to go ahead and take her by c-section early. She COULD have been born on her brother's birthday, but he would have nothing to do with THAT. So we went for the 4th. Nothing like being able to plan and schedule the birth of your baby. Let me tell you, that is AWESOME!
Ladybug has been such a pleasant baby, child and, now, a young woman. She is thoughtful, kind, smart, beautiful and her mama's best friend. She has been a difficult child to buy a birthday gift for because she doesn't "want". She isn't the type of child to say "I need this..." "I want that..." This mama has got to use her imagination! At fourteen we will let her attend Church and school dances (without a date but with a group of friends). She is excited for this new development in her maturity.
Ladybug and I treasure our girl dates and chick flick movie marathons. We love it when daddy goes on scout camp outs because that means we get to have a "girl weekend". We are looking forward to an upcoming "girl weekend". We are planning crafts, movies and meals out. That is just the best!
I love this girl and thank you, God,
for sending her into my life fourteen years ago today!

Happy 14th Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI have a daughter turning 14 this year. She is also one who doesn't "want". I think it might be fun to take her shopping, get a pedicure, and have a very nice lunch. I sure hope that 14 is as nice of an age as 13. The girls just get more fun as they get older!