Thursday, March 22, 2012

Suffering by Comparison

I have a multitude of abilities, but I am not an expert at anything, and sometimes that is downright discouraging! I am an okay mom, but by comparison, I totally lack. I can crochet, sort of...I love photography, but am I really THAT good? I used to scrapbook and make cards but someone was always better. I used to enjoy playing volleyball, but got yelled at once because, well, I SUCKED. I can whip up a pretty tasty meal, I think, but there is always someone in the family who thinks its disgusting. I think I can pen a fairly interesting blog post at times, but am I really that successful of a blogger, I mean rarely do I get a comment?  My housekeeping is decent, but no model home!  I read the scriptures, but there is always someone with a far greater knowledge and understanding than I.  I can run and run and run, but I haven't been able to run my booty off yet...  I used to sing in a group, which was kind of fun, but was NEVER asked to do a solo...can you guess why?  hahaha

I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel like I suffer by comparison.  I want to find that one thing that I do very well.  I don't want to be mediocre anymore.  I want to be amazing...I like the quote from The Help by Kathryn Stockett when Minnie says, "You is kind.  You is smart.  You is important."

I have recently started reading the book called "You Are Already Amazing" by Holley Gerth.  She writes like we are girlfriends, friends, acquaintances sitting across the table from one another over a cup of Hot Chocolate or Coffee or whatever your drink of choice is....  It is a fun book to read but also very poignant at the same time.  I am truly enjoying it and am hoping to realize exactly what her title says. 

Why is it so hard to embrace how God made us while comparing ourselves to others?  
Why is it so hard to find our own talents and shining abilities?
Why is it easier to listen to Satan's fiery darts than 
to the sweet promptings from Heavenly Father?



  1. All excellent questions. It seems like you would outgrow the competition, but it seems like it only gets worse the older we get.

  2. An OK mom??? You are an amazing mom!!! You are an amazing woman and a beloved daughter of God. You are the best wife a husband could ask for!!! No one compares to you in my eyes!!! I wouldn't trade you for all the money in the world!!! You are flat out the best!!! I love you!! Your kids love you!! That is all you really need.

  3. I think that sounds like a great book for every woman and young woman to read. I think as women we all feel that was at some time or another.


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