With my recent blogging hiatus, I have also neglected to post the letters from Miguel. I know that family and friends read these, as well as, those interested in what a Mormon Missionary does from day to day...This lack of posting can be a good thing, because I now have a trove of letters to choose from. Honestly, sometimes Miguel doesn't write much more than "I'm alive! and I miss you!"
So here is a letter dated:
6/17/2013 (Yeah it's been THAT long)
"Well life in the mission!
This past couple weeks have been stink, but thats okay. We have just had our everyone we were teaching drop off and we cant figure it out. A guy named Joe wanted to be baptized and 2 days later he droped us. We spent the rest of the week a little discouraged about getting rejected over and over again, but we are pumped for a new week we are gonna tear it up!!! We've got the faith! We decide we are changing the area this week! we are definantly going to be praying for miracles!!!
On Monday we played football in the pouring rain and an elder sliped and shattered his arm!! Elder Loertscher and I were diving and sliding like crazy it was intense!!! I threw like 290123480925790348 touch down passes hahaha, but it was a super fun personal day. The lame part was the elder broke his arm before we started playing he just slipped. He was un athletic, too, so that didn't help."
"Well this week got a lot better actually. We didn't have a great week finding people to teach, though. But this week we did knock on this lady named Rachel's door. She listened to us on the porch and even invited us in. We taught about the restoration, and she was very interested in the authority and asked a lot of questions. She was excited to read the Book of Mormon. Hopefully, she will let us come back. We also had a family that Elder Loertscher and I have gotten really close to tell us how much of a positive spirit we bring into their home and how we have affected their family. They told us on a really hard day when Elder Loertscher was thinking about going home, so it meant a lot to him, but i am their second favorite they say sooooo they dont like me that much!!! ;p They make fun of me a lot haha but whatever they're cool :p
Also this week the Stake came and gave us some awesome support in the Ward, and we are really excited to have their support. hmmm oh yeah I was studying how to have an eye single to the glory of God this morning because I have just never felt like I understood it and I feel stupid! But I finally get that it is doing it in the Lord's way and trusting in Him that He will fulfill his promises if we are following His direction. We know that it is Him who makes/made all results possible. It took forever but Psalms 141:8 made it all click.
Elder Hamer Out!!"

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