July 15, 2013
"This week we tore it up...finally an up turn! We had a slow start to the week but in two days we had three people commit to baptism, and met five new investigators. One lady read to Moroni 9 in the Book of Mormon and requested to meet with the missionaries herself. We read with her the promise in Moroni 10 and she and her mom decided to be baptized. The only problem is satan! His influence is so real. She talked to her husband, and she isn't allowed to meet with us anymore. So, sadly, she probably won't be getting baptized. The husband totally took away her agency away. It was so frustrating. Another lady named Jessica is still planning on baptism. She also has a 10 year old daughter and her husband we are hoping to start teaching soon. We only taught her once but she is super prepared. If she goes through to baptism I probaly won't get to be there because transfers are next week. I hope she gets baptized. Other than that there isn't much else going down. A member is taking us to Outback for steak haha we are hyped! That's all, I love you all!!
Elder Hamer out!"
July 22, 2013
"well! here we go!!
So this week was decent although it seems like everyone who commits to baptism gets antied!! But we found two more families I hope we will be teaching! Well I won't because I am leaving for Lawrenceville on Wednesday. Lawrenceville is really close to my first area. I'm on bike again..... in the hot summer!!!! stupid bike!!! My only problem is that my bike is getting fixed this week. An Elder borrowed it and broke it on so i might not have it right away. I have heard good things about Lawrenceville so we will see how it goes, My new companion came out at the same time as Elder Loertscher, He is still pretty new so it will be interesting.
I'm kinda of ready to leave Winder it has been a hard area. There are just so many people who listen but never progress. It can get so discouraging. I hope this new area will be better. This has been my longest area, though, so I got to know some people really well. I hate getting transferred because I hate packing! I need to go buy some vacuum bags today so it is easier. Bike again :p it is gonna be so freaking hot! But that's okay! Well, I'm super tired and ready to just go lay down for a bit before basketball, but I am looking forward to my new area. Love you!
Elder Hamer out"

What a sweetie pie! Thanks for updating us on how the mission is going for him!