Recently in church we sat next to TJ's best friend. She had brought a bag of gummy bears to share, much to her mother's dismay. We shared those sweet, chewy bears like a bunch of two year olds that can't go an hour without a snack. My boys began to play with their food like the two year olds they were emulating. Licking the bottom of a gummy bear so it would become sticky, my oldest, mind you, stuck it to the suit clad shoulder of the man in front of us without his even knowing. A snort could be heard coming from me as I tried to stifle a laugh. I scolded as I tried to hold it in, thus encouraging more negative behavior. A little girl sitting in front of said gentleman, was pointing at the gummy bear. He mistakenly thought she was pointing at him. As he leaned forward to see what she wanted, the gummy bear stayed planted and leaned forward too.
Have you ever tried to quietly hold a laugh in? The harder you try the more you want to just bust out laughing? The laughter was escaping my body through the tears that were running down my face and the sob that burst from my throat. I'm hoping others may have thought I was deeply moved by the Spirit with my sobs and tears. I mean Charity is a very moving topic.
I truly hope the Lord has a sense of humor, otherwise, I'm screwed!

LOL I would have to laugh at this as well, but my luck the man would notice. What a great post to wake up to in the morning thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteStoping by from SITS
I fully believe that God has a sense of humor. He made me!
ReplyDeleteOh I have done that many times. Because you know that you shouldn't be laughing, it makes it that much more funny and harder to calm down. It is a lovely and releasing but horrible cycle! lol.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Kristina - if God didn't want us laughing so much, he would have done things a little differently. So laugh it up!
ReplyDeleteMy mom used to scold me and my sister for laughing at church...sometimes I think the good Lord created people who are funny to help you get through a boring talk! ;)
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading so many of your post. I have to follow you now. Your great!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Heavenly Father has a sense of humor. And little kids are very funny. :)
ReplyDeleteyes, it has so happened and I have gotten a few disdain looks but oh well! I tried to stifle my laughter and when it did a big huge SNORT occurred and then I lost it and fell out. Nice, huh?? LOL