The next year, TJ wanted to come home and be schooled with me as well. There had been some scary events at school that just didn't make him feel safe. Instances where kids were bound and beaten on the football field. I must admit, I didn't feel safe either. So I agreed to bring him home, then I felt that if I was going to do it for the two of them, I should do it for Ladybug, too. Teaching three grade levels was such a challenge. It was so hard jumping from phonics to algebra to science. My brain just doesn't work that way. I put on 15 pounds and started losing hair from stress. I love my kids and loved having them home with me, but didn't love who I was becoming, a fat, balding screaming mom. The very next year I got two of my kids into a charter school and TJ decided he would man up and deal with public school. He's only had to defend himself in a fist fight once!
My hair has recovered, but those pesky 15 pounds are still causing me trouble...Sometimes I briefly flirt with the idea of homeschooling Ladybug again. I think that would be awesome. Someone please slap me back to reality.

I have no patience. So home schooling my kids would be out for me. Plus my kids would much rather spend the day at school then spend it home with me. =)
ReplyDeleteI don't know how homeschooling parents do it!
ReplyDeleteI sometimes feel tempted to homeschool my children. They go to a really good public school and there are benefits from learning how to get along in a classroom full of other people, but it takes up so much time!!! I just think it would be really stressful for me. I'd probably lose my hair too!
ReplyDeleteWow...fat AND bald! Sounds like my blind date on Saturday. :) I'm sure you are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI commend you for your dedication...I don't know how you did it! Good grief! I'm beginning to worry about how life will be for my kids when they get into middle school...(those are the years that scare me the most) I know there are a lot of resources out there with computers and homeschooling...thank goodness, because I'm a fool when it comes to math or anything least I know I've got an option if that day ever comes if I need to do that...I'll just have to look into buying a wig!
ReplyDeleteHa ha, my big sis wants to home school. I know I could never do it!
ReplyDeleteok, i'll slap ya! sometimes i think i would give it a try. but, i already scream a lot.
ReplyDeleteMy sister in law homeschools her two kids. I have huge issues as to why she is doing it, and they aren't good ones. I commend those that do it because I know I would be at least 100 lbs heavier, bald, and have larengitis all the time from the yelling. I do wish I had the time and patience though. I just think of the fun I would have with them. Of course, their social skills would lack...mine do! :)
ReplyDeleteHey I found you through SITS :) I've thought about doing homeschool before, but know I'm probably a lot like you and would go CRAZY! I wish I was like that mom in that reality show 18 and counting. Wow! She's amazing! To be pregnant ALL the time, AND homeschool every one of her kids? HOW is that possible ??????
ReplyDeleteI'm following you now :)
Check out the WEIGHT LOSS section on my blog for a few tips. Just click on weight loss under the THINGS I LIKE TO TALK ABOUT in my sidebar.
I'll be back again!
I keep going back and forth between homeschooling my kiddos or not homeschooling them. Yeah, if I did I probably would go crazy. Maybe. I guess I will see!
ReplyDeleteDropping by from SITS...
ReplyDeleteUmmm, homeschooling, yeah.
That's what I threaten my kids with when the grades start slipping... sort of like HeMan Hubby threatening Bean Soup for dinner when they ignore him...
It's enough of a reality that they cease and desist, but not enough of a problem to make them stay on the straight and narrow very long...
And I'm already fat and stressed... can't risk it!
I lost hair too! Last year. I was sure I had cancer or something. It was stress. Now I have little pink pills. Exhale.
ReplyDeleteOur pre school here is only 2 times a week and for only 3 hours long. They mostly just do craft with the kids. So I’ve had to pick up most of the slack with my boys education. Although Imp scared for them to attend school full time in a few years I know that I’m going to be there for them and continue to pick up the slack. plus I'll always be a phone call away. This comforts me in putting them in public schools.
ReplyDeleteI was fortunate to raise my boys in a small town and rather safe schools. All schools should be safe for our children.
ReplyDeletea SITS friend
I think that eventually, homeschoolers find their balance.
ReplyDeleteOftentimes, homeschoolers start from the beginning and it's all they know. When we started, I had both my boys at the same time for our first year. It was very challenging. But somehow we manage!
I'm sorry homeschooling didn't work out for you! But if you ever wanted to again - there's a plethora of resources out there for homeschoolers! :-) Though, I'm sure you know that already.
Anyway - I've heard really good things about charter schools! I'm sure your kids are in great hands! :-)
I love homeschooling. We have so much more freedom in our days. I'm not a patient person but God gives me what I need in each situation with my children. My oldest went to public school through the 4th grade and we've now been homeschooling 9 years. Honstly, I don't know HOW in the world public school parents do it. My friends are stressed with all the activities and homework and not enough time as a family. Homeschooling has been such a relief to a our family. We feel like we have all the freedom in the world!
ReplyDeleteLisa, just in case you don't see what I wrote in response to your comment:
ReplyDeleteLisa, thanks for coming and sharing that!! I struggled the first year. Big time. It was hard to just commit to pressing on. I know it’s not for everyone though and I’m so glad you’ve found a solution that works for your family! Just wanted to share another perspective on it.
And it's good to know your limitations. :) Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog, too!