Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Be Still and Know

New Years and Resolutions are upon us.  You can't not see reminders of it all over the internet and social media.  Weight loss goals, financial goals, fitness goals, educational goals.  I like, everyone else, want to start fresh at the beginning of the year.  Over the past several years, I have participated in one word or one little word resolutions.  It's a much simpler way of doing things, focusing on that one word in all aspects of my life.   Words can be very powerful, especially as we ponderize and internalize.

I have chosen words that I really needed at the time and learned much from over the past years.  Some examples of words I have chosen in the past are:


This year a scripture keeps resonating with me, and I can't quite keep it to one word.  Psalms 46:10

"Be still and know that I am God."  

I almost feel as if this simple scripture encapsulates every one word I have used in the past.

2016 is a year of spiritual growth for me.  While, yes, I have some fitness and weight goals, too, 'Be Still and Know that I am God" sits first and foremost in my mind and heart.

What is your one word or goal for the year?

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