Wednesday, September 19, 2012

National Cheeseburger Day!!

Just yesterday was National Cheeseburger Day, and today is National Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Over the summer I learned about National Lollipop Day, and I know there are many others.  Here is my question to you...Who comes up with the holidays?  Seriously, because I'd like them to come up with National Please Wear Deodorant Day, or National Be Kind to Other Driver's Day.  Does the President sit back and with the swipe of a pen sign into effect National Don't Step on My Toes or Die Day?

And in case you are wondering, we did indeed celebrate National Cheeseburger Day.  You know I do love Cheeseburgers.  Shiver me timbers, argh......


  1. I always wondered that too...but there was such an uproar over a national day of prayer that government must somehow be involved.

  2. I'm a little behind the times when it comes to National days. I need to write day Cheeseburger day for sure and celebrate it next year!

  3. Heehee, I celebrated National Cheeseburger Day too (and I didn't even know it.) Shiver me timbers!

  4. i got free donuts today because it was pirate day! krispy kreme was giving them out all day! some people delivered a bunch to my school. and it's nat'l const. week, too. what a week!


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