Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another year older

Another year has come and gone. Age has a way of sneaking up on you in the middle of the night. It bites you right in the you know where so that you can't ignore it's imminent approach anymore. Today Miguel turns 17. Oh my how time flies. Wasn't he a cute, chubby, gurgly baby just yesterday? He had the cutest little rolls...Ah to remember...

So today I'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to Miguel! Even though he isn't a cute, chubby, gurgly baby anymore, I love him just the same.

Happy Birthday! Aren't you glad you're finally taller than your mama?


  1. Happy Birthday to your handsome boy!!! :-)

  2. I love your photo collage Lisa! The first time I made one I was hooked!

    Happy Birthday Miguel!

  3. Quite a handsome boy you have raised. Happy birthday, Miguel!

  4. Wow 17! It's just right around the corner and then it hits you on it's way out!!! Happy Birthday to your grown up baby!!!!


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