Please forgive the the absence of posts from Miguel the last few weeks. I apologize and please see my last post for the reasons why...
This past week I received an very special email. A woman in the area where Miguel is serving wrote me about my son. Her letter made my day and quite literally brought tears to my eyes. Only 339 more days until he comes home, but who's counting anyway. Miguel has always been the comedian in our home. Before his mission he was so worried that he wouldn't be able to serve the Lord, convey the Spirit and still be able to embrace his goofy personality. It sounds like he has been able to find that balance. So this week I am sharing a letter not from Miguel but about Miguel. It is wonderful to hear how others perceive and are influenced by my son.
"We have had the pleasure of having your son in our home for the past 2 months. His larger than life personality is equals parts silly goof-ball and dedicated servant of the Lord. He is just as quick to laughter as he is to recalling a relevant scripture.
My own children are 17, 14, 10, 7, 5 and 16 months. Elder Miguel fits right in as my oldest. He adores each one of them in a special way & plays or counsels with them in such a sweet, caring manner. We started out having him over once a month & that has quickly turned into at least 3 times a week, plus several of his personal days. We have our own inside jokes & nicknames, have taken countless pictures, and I have even gone teaching with them.
He talks about you constantly. All of you. He truly adores his family. And loves to tell stories about you guys.
He has embraced his calling with his whole heart & is an amazing missionary.He likes to work hard & stay busy. He's got such a beautiful testimony & doesn't hesitate to share it.
In short, I would just like to thank you for sharing him with us, with the world. You've done an awesome job raising him & should be very proud.We love him & will surely miss him when he goes."

SO SWEET, what a nice thing for her to do!