Monday, April 13, 2009

On Saturday - Good Mail

What a pleasant surprise when on Saturday some VERY good mail arrived from a sweet blogging friend, Shannon. Despite having been sick this week, Shannon remembered that one of my favorite things are my Wednesday night bubble baths, so she sent me some aroma therapy foaming bath for my birthday. I should have taken a picture before I opened it as it was such a pretty wrap job, but I was too excited to have received some GOOD MAIL, that I just ripped right in to it.
Thanks Shannon!
I think I may just have to take my bath a few days early!


  1. What a fabulous surprise! You deserve it though! you want to be my friend too? :D

  2. Aww. How sweet is that?! Blogging buddies are awesome!

  3. I can't believe it didn't get there until Saturday! :( Gese Louise! Snail mail indeed!

    Glad you liked it...There's not many of us bath people in the world (I consider you one even though it's just once a week!)

  4. How wonderful! I want Shannon as my friend!


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