I really like this reminder.
I definitely see some things I could work on.
But, If I am tough, does that mean I'm not tender? I don't think so. I'd like to be able to hold my own. Be strong, not a push over, but that doesn't mean that I can't be tender hearted. No, I can be an independent and strong woman who is still tender, kind, virtuous and faithful. Just because I want to be tough doesn't mean that I don't like my husband to open my doors and look at me with tenderness. I think the correct terminology for me here is strength. Not to be tough. By definition Strong is "of great moral power, firmness or courage; strong under temptation."
Now THAT is a Woman of God
I totally get where this woman is coming from,
and I like it...

I think you have to be tough in this world. And tender.