KT re-enlisted in the Marine Corps in December of 1990. It was a really cool experience. Since we were stationed in Hawaii at the time, he got to reenlist on the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. We both got to fly a flag over the memorial and still have it today. Later that night when he was at work, he called to tell me that he received his orders to go to the Middle East...
Patriotic Duty
As if planted
in a block of ice
dumbfounded, I stood there.
You, whisked away
into a whirlwind of the
past months events.
Your foreboding destination
looms ahead.
A war without end?
Unsure of the future,
incessantly shaking,
I put the phone back
on the hook.

Beautiful poetry. BTW- You get 50 cool points for being able to say you were stationed in Hawaii.